Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lively Literature: Reason for Rainbow!

While scientists ponder as to how the rainbows form and also their shapes and sizes from different angles, the poet before a couple of millennia has come out with a different point of view of why the skies have been painted with this multi-coloured bow. 

Original Text from Muththollaayiram (Songs about Chera Emperor, Song 16)

பல்யானை மன்னர் படுதிறை தந்துய்ம்மின்
மல்லல் நெடுமதில் வாங்குவில் பூட்டுமின்
வள்ளிதழ் வாடாத வானோரும் வானவன்
வில்லெழுதி வாழ்வார் விசும்பு.

Meaning of Poem

It is like an instruction to the kings. O! Great Kings, having many elephants, pay taxes and tolls to Chera emperor and secure your survival. Also, have symbol of ‘bow’ (note that bow and arrow forms coat of arms of Chera Dynasty) on walls of your fortresses to represent that you are allied nations, so that he would not launch an attack. Even the great Gods who reside in skies, have marked their territories with a bow (rainbow in skies) to avoid being assaulted by him.

Points to Ponder:

  • Every kingdom has its flag that carries their national symbol. Therefore Chera Dynasty had bow and arrow as their symbol, which is imprinted on each of their flags.
  • The other kings who do not want to flex their muscles with the emperor or other kings would have to mark their counterpart’s symbol on their fortresses and prime locations to indicate that they accept their reign.
  • Moreover, carving out the symbol is also a way of telling that they accept to pay taxes to the emperor, as a sign of submission. In return, they get protection if they should be attacked by any third fronts.
  • Since bow and arrow is symbol of Chera, those who have the same (at least the bow) on their fortresses accept their rule and would pay taxes in return of survival and protection.
  • Poet has noticed rainbow and have exemplified that even the Lords (Gods) in skies have accepted rule of Chera emperor over their lands (skies rather!).
  • Since rainbow is in the shape of bow, one can assume that it is national symbol of Chera Kingdom.

With poetic imagination fueling from behind, there are so many natural things that have been used as they are or in exaggeration to represent their thoughts.

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