Sunday, February 24, 2013

சனி நீராடு (Sani Neeraadu) - விளக்கவுரை!

சனி  நீராடு  என்து "செம்மொழிச்சிலேடை",
சொற்களைப்பிரிக்காது படித்தால்)!

"சனி  நீராடு" என்று தமிழ் முன்னோர்கள் கூறியிருக்கின்றனர். பாட்டிகளும் தாய்மார்களும் இதன் பொருள் சனிக்கிழமையன்று நீராட வேண்டுமென்று உரைத்தாலும், சிலேடை இலக்கண நடையின் வழியாக ஒருமொழி-பலபொருள் என்று கூறியிருக்கக்கூடும்.

அதில் சிலவன பின்வருபவனாகவும் இருக்கக்கூடும்!

"சனி நீராடு"  என்று பதம் (சொல்) பிரிக்காமல் செம்மொழிச்சிலேடையாக பார்ப்பின் பின்வரும் கருத்துக்களை உணரலாம்:

1. சனிக்கிழமைகளில் குளிக்க வேண்டும்:

தினமும் குளிப்பது எல்லோருக்கும் நல்லது என்றாலும் சிலர் அதனை செய்ய தவறியிருக்கலாம். அவர்களுக்கு அறிவுறுத்தலாக இருத்தல் கூடும்.

2. சனிக்கிழமைகளில் நன்றாக தேய்த்து குளிக்க வேண்டும்:

தினந்தோறும் குளிப்போர் கூட பணிகளின் நிமித்தமாகவும், நேரமின்மை காரணமாகவும் அவசரத்தின் தூண்டலால் சரியாக குளிக்க தவறலாம். எனவே, அவர்கள் சிறிது கவனம் செலுத்தி நன்றாக குளிப்பதற்க்கு வாரம் ஒரு நாளை ஒதுக்கலாம்.

3. சனிக்கிழமைகளில் நிதானமாக தலைக்கு குளிக்கலாம்:

நீண்ட தலைமுடி கொண்ட பெண்டிரும் சில ஆடவரும் தலை குளிக்க சிறிது காலம் எடுக்கும். அதனால் தினமும் அவர்கள் தலைக்கு குளித்தல் இயலா. எனவே, அப்படியானோர் சனியன்று மட்டும் தலை குளிக்கலாம்.

4. சனிக்கிழமைகளில் மட்டும் தலைக்கு குளிக்கலாம்:

அடிக்கடி தலை குளிப்பின் மிகவும் குளிர்ச்சியாகி சிலர் உடல் உபாதைகளுக்கு ஆளாவார்கள். அவ்வாறானோர் சனியன்று மட்டும் தலை குளிக்கலாம்.

5. சனிக்கிழமைகளில் எண்ணெய் தேய்த்து குளிக்க வேண்டும்:

நல்லெண்ணெய் தலைக்கு தேய்த்து குளித்தல் மிகவும் நல்லது. பல நற்பலன்களை அளித்திடினும் அதற்கு நிறைய நேரம் ஆகும் காரணத்தால் வார விடுமுறையான சனியன்று மட்டும் குளிக்க அறிவுருத்தியிருக்கலாம்.

6. சனிகளில் குளுமை பேண வேண்டும்:

வாரம் ஐந்து நாட்கள் மிக கடுமையாக உழைத்து உடல் சூட்டை மிகவும் கூட்டிக்கொள்வோர் விடுமுறை நாளான சனியன்று தன் உடல் சூட்டை தணிக்க தலைக்கு எண்ணெய் தேய்த்தோ ஆறு குளங்களில் நீந்தி விளையாடியோ குளுமை காக்கலாம்.

7. சனிகளில் உடல் வலு அதிகரிக்க வேண்டும்:

அன்றும் இன்றும் மக்கள் பணிகளின் காரணத்தால் தினமும் நீந்த இயலாது. எனவே, விடுமுறைகளில் நீராடுங்கள் என்று சூசகமாக நீந்துங்கள் என்று உரைத்திருக்கக்கூடும்.

8. சனி தீங்கு நீங்க கோவில் குளத்தில் குளிக்க வேண்டும்:

சோதிடத்தில் நம்பிக்கையுள்ளோர் தமக்கு சனி திசை நடக்கையில் கோவிலில் நவகிரகங்களுக்கு விளக்கேற்றும் முன் கோவில் குளத்தில் குளிக்கவும் கூறியிருக்கலாம். (குறிப்பு: அக்காலத்தில் கணிதமும் சோதிடமும் ஒன்றாகவும் நன்றாகவும் பார்த்தமையால் சோதிடத்தில் பொய்யும் பித்தலாட்டமும் கிடையா)

9. சனியால் உண்டாகக்கூடிய பிணிகள் நீங்க திருநள்ளாற்றில் முழுக வேண்டும்:

சோதிடத்தில் நம்பிக்கையுள்ளோர் தமக்கு சனி திசை நடக்கையில் திருநள்ளார் சென்று அங்குள்ள குளத்தில் குளித்தால் சனியால் உண்டாகும் பிணிகள் விலகும் என்றும் கூறியிருக்கலாம். 

10. சனியன்று வீட்டை மெழுகேற்று:

இலக்கியங்களில் "நீராடு" என்பதன் மரூஉ "நீராட்டு" என்பதாகும். எனவே, சனியன்று விடுமுறையாதலால் இல்லத்தை நன்றாக பசுஞ்சாணம் கொண்டு மெழுகலாம் என்றும் அறிவுறுத்தியுள்ளனர்.

11. சனியன்று பொருட்களை நீராட்டு:

இல்லத்தை நீராடல் செய்வதோடு மட்டுமின்றி, இல்லத்தில் உள்ள பொருட்களையும் சுற்றி உள்ள தோட்டம் மற்றும் முற்றத்தையும் நன்றாக நீராட்டு எனவும் பொருள் கொள்ளலாம்.

12. விடுமுறையில் சுற்றம் கூடும்:

சனிக்கிழமை என்பது சனிக்கடவுளுக்கு உகந்த நாள் என்றும், அவரது வாகனம் காகம் என்றும் தமிழ் கற்ற நல்லோர் அறிவர். காகம் கரைந்தால் அது நட்பு, உறவு, சுற்றம் வீடு வருவர் என்றும் ஒரு பரவிய நம்பிக்கை  உண்டு. இவை மூட நம்பிக்கைகளாக இருப்பினும், உறவுகள் ஒன்று கூடுவது நன்றென்பதால் விருந்தினரை உபசரிக்க தயாராக இருத்தல் அவசியம். எனவே, சனி நீராடு என்பது சனியன்று வரும் உறவினரை தெளிவுடன் கூடிய முகத்துடனும், நல்ல சுத்தமான உடலுடனும் வரவேற்க குளித்தல் அவசியம் என்று உணரலாம்.

இன்னும் பிற பொருள்களும் இந்த செம்மொழிச்சிலேடையில் ஒளிந்திருக்கக்கூடும்.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lively Literature: Reason for Rainbow!

While scientists ponder as to how the rainbows form and also their shapes and sizes from different angles, the poet before a couple of millennia has come out with a different point of view of why the skies have been painted with this multi-coloured bow. 

Original Text from Muththollaayiram (Songs about Chera Emperor, Song 16)

பல்யானை மன்னர் படுதிறை தந்துய்ம்மின்
மல்லல் நெடுமதில் வாங்குவில் பூட்டுமின்
வள்ளிதழ் வாடாத வானோரும் வானவன்
வில்லெழுதி வாழ்வார் விசும்பு.

Meaning of Poem

It is like an instruction to the kings. O! Great Kings, having many elephants, pay taxes and tolls to Chera emperor and secure your survival. Also, have symbol of ‘bow’ (note that bow and arrow forms coat of arms of Chera Dynasty) on walls of your fortresses to represent that you are allied nations, so that he would not launch an attack. Even the great Gods who reside in skies, have marked their territories with a bow (rainbow in skies) to avoid being assaulted by him.

Points to Ponder:

  • Every kingdom has its flag that carries their national symbol. Therefore Chera Dynasty had bow and arrow as their symbol, which is imprinted on each of their flags.
  • The other kings who do not want to flex their muscles with the emperor or other kings would have to mark their counterpart’s symbol on their fortresses and prime locations to indicate that they accept their reign.
  • Moreover, carving out the symbol is also a way of telling that they accept to pay taxes to the emperor, as a sign of submission. In return, they get protection if they should be attacked by any third fronts.
  • Since bow and arrow is symbol of Chera, those who have the same (at least the bow) on their fortresses accept their rule and would pay taxes in return of survival and protection.
  • Poet has noticed rainbow and have exemplified that even the Lords (Gods) in skies have accepted rule of Chera emperor over their lands (skies rather!).
  • Since rainbow is in the shape of bow, one can assume that it is national symbol of Chera Kingdom.

With poetic imagination fueling from behind, there are so many natural things that have been used as they are or in exaggeration to represent their thoughts.

Lively Literature: Elephant and Lunar Elegance!

When battles happen on full moon nights, a special event can be observed with Chera Emperor’s (King of part of South India) special giant soldiers. Here is a poem from Sangam (Ancient Tamil) Literature that depicts the corollary of such event.

Original Text from Muththollaayiram (Songs about Chera Emperor, Song 18) 

வீறுசால் மன்னர் விரிதாம வெண்குடையைப்
பாற எறிந்த பசியத்தால் – தேறாது
செங்கண்மாக் கோதை சினவெங் களியானை
திங்கள்மேல் நீட்டுந்தன் கை.

Meaning of Muththollaayiram (Songs about Chera Emperor, Song 18)

Kings tend to have chariots with huge white umbrellas with their national symbols to represent their nation. The aggressive war elephants belonging to Chera’s empire are used in battles and they get hold of white umbrellas of opposing kings and break them with their trunk, while also trampling them using their feet. 

Since they are so used to trampling circular white umbrellas, they tend to reach out to full moon furiously with their trunks, assuming that it is also another white umbrella of another king.

Points to Ponder:

  • Elephants may move their trunks towards the sky accidentally or to reach out to tallest parts of the tree to find some nourishment, which could happen in any night. They tend to forage with equal voracity during both days and nights.
  • Once in every 29.5 nights, everybody tends to observe full moon day. Therefore, both events are not related to each other.
  • However, to add to the poetic aesthetics, the poet had related to these two events and mentioned that it has to do something with Chera Emperor’s battling prowess.
  • Moreover, Hunger for power would also hit the pachyderms and habit of trampling the whole day would mean that they would continue even in nights.
  • Reader may ask if elephants would not know that it is full moon and not white umbrella.
  • One has to understand that the elephants are inebriated with slight amount of alcoholic ingredients that ferment slowly, so that they will be in control of their mahouts, but after the war day, would feel completely drunk and have hangovers. So, such phenomenon is possible.
  • Moreover, the foods tend to ferment within their stomachs and after a tiring day of war, anyone would feel too drowsy and poor pachyderms are no exception. Kaliyaanai (the last word in third line) confirms that the elephants are fed with foods that will ferment inside their stomachs to leave them in an intoxicated or confused state.
  • It is common to note that trunks are held high, so that they would get a better view with their highly developed sense of smell and check for any further attacks. Note that wars are held only after sunrise and before sunset. Once sun is out of sky, nobody goes for war. However, how will someone translate this law to the poor pachyderms that darkness means safety and no battle?

While one would enjoy the poetic beauty of this stanza, it equally emphasizes on how effective battles are won by Chera King, who is the hero of one of the three sections in Muththollaayiram (Chozha and Pandiya emperors being heroes of other sections).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Birds and Bugs, Telephotos and Torn Jeans

Christmas was celebrated worldwide on the 25th day of the month of December in the year 2009. It happens every year. What's so special about 2009 Christmas.

It was the day when we 3 friends decided to visit Vedanthangal, a bird-lovers paradise. Jag and Sam were part of the plan. We checked up what the weather-cocks have to say and got the green signal. No rains to wet the cameras. Being non-veggies, we 3 decided to shoot some birds. 

We started very early in the morning around 5 am - ironically the time similar to when the oracles saw the pole-star led them to the cattleshed where Jesus was born. Our target was to see the little birds being fed their first morning snack. We tried to be the early birds to catch the early bird.

It was a wonderful drive from Chennai to Vedanthangal via Guindy, Meenambakkam airport, Pallavaram, Chromepet, Tambaram, Vandalur, Guduvanchery, Chenglepet. It was the location after Maraimalai Nagar between Guduvanchery and Chenglepet that we decided to have a pit-gut-stop. After satiating our tummies with tea and biscuits, Sam drove the car to our destination. As I've been to Vedanthangal twice earlier, I was the self-appointed guide (who was never completely trusted though!) to the locale.

On the way, we came across lots of ponds on either side of the GST (Grand Southern Trunk) road with some birdlife (little cormorants and a few cattle egrets were the stars) in it. And the sun was rising from behind us reminding us that we're driving towards wild wild west!

As I did not own a cam that time (aware that I will get a camera as Pongal present from myself), Sam has thoughfully brought his tiny point-and-shoot camera apart from his Alpha-SLR camera; and not to mention the binoculars which had the shades of the camouflage - different tones of green. Though the binoculars were handy, it was the cameras that were the key inspiration factor. Since Jag had bought 2 cameras, one for wide-angles and one  for telephotos, there were always more cams than the necks.

Once reaching there, we bought a string to fasten the binocular to the neck and started our venture. Vedanthangal is a huge pond surrounded by one side by a footpath for visitors and tourists (with enough watch-towers interspersed). The other 3 sides have green farmlands, which the bird-poop filled fertilised water nourishes 24 by 7. Since there are resident birds, the supply of free manure is ensured throughout the year.

We started shooting the wildlife - with our lenses (birds, bugs, monkeys and anything that moves and flies - including ourselves and cattle).

Jag and Sam were kind enough to share their cams as well as the tips of photography. 

A few species that we saw during the walk in the scheduled walkway are:
1. Kingfisher (both the bird and Vijay Malya's broken bottles in the path's slopes on the side),
2. Ever energetic River and Whiskered Tern,
3. Pelicans and their ever-hungry nagging and demanding chicks; which transform from bulldogs on land to perfect and elegant flying machines in air,
4. Painted Stork - ever colourful and cheerful as it keeps clapping with its beaks,
5. Open Bill Stork and their chicks (which has not yet developed the gap between the bills which derives the name),
6. White Ibis - with their winning black-and-white combination and curved beaks,
7. Purple Heron,
8. Pond Heron,
9. Grey Heron,
10. Sleepy Night Heron which is active only during dawn, dusk and nights,
11. Little Cormorants,
12. Spoon Bills,
13. Little Egret,
14. Cattle Egret,
15. Jacana,
16. Garganeys (type of ducks)
17. Pin-tail Duck,
18. Northern Shoveller (note its beak),
19. Spot-billed Duck,
20. Little Grebe,
21. Common and Marsh Sandpipers,
22. Drongos,
23. Pipits, 
24. Babblers (commonly known as paddy birds or seven sisters), 
25. Parrots,
26. Hoopoe,
27. Eagles,
28. Hawks (we noticed a sparrow hawk),
29. Bee eaters,
30. Common and Purple Moorhens,
31. White-Breasted Waterhen,
32. Common Coot,
to mention a few species.

As we stayed there shooting we could also notice other animal kingdom which is a part of the ecology. To note a few, there were:
1. Fishes - We saw a dying catfish (saw one green heron grab one and managed to gobble it, whose head was as big as the bird's beak)
2. Watersnakes, which we could not find - striped keelback, olive keelback and checkered keelbacks
3. Insects - millipedes, centipedes and seven-spotted cockroaches. I uncovered a praying mantis too from its perfect camouflage.
4. Frogs and Toads - obvious view in a water eco-system.
5. Bugs on flights - butterflies, moths, and dragonflies litter the area.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

காவலர் முன்பு காதை சொறியலாமா?

மறு நாள் பொங்கல்.

அலுவலக அலுவல்களை முடித்துவிட்டு பொங்கலோ பொங்கல் என்று மனதுக்குள் ஆரவாரத்துடன் வண்டியை செலுத்தினேன். ஒரு இடத்தில் கொஞ்சம் வண்டிகள் கூடுதல் நெரிசல். ஒரு சாலை சந்திப்பில் வண்டிகளை மேற்பார்வையிடும் ஒரு போக்குவரத்து அதிகாரி (வெண்சட்டைக்காவலர்) வண்டிகளை நிறுத்தினார்.
அப்போது பார்த்து என் வலது காது அரித்தது. வலது கையினால் வண்டியை நிறுத்திக்கொண்டே இடது கையை காதிடம் கொண்டு போனேன் - காதை சொறிவதற்கு. இரு விரல்களை மட்டும் ஹெல்மெட்டுக்குள் விட்டு சொறிந்தேன். காவலர் என் கை காதிடம் இருந்ததை பார்த்து விட்டார். உடனே என்னை ஓரம் நிறுத்த கையை அசைத்தார்.

சென்னையில் வண்டி ஓட்டுவதில் நல்ல அனுபவம் உள்ளதால் காவலரை எதிர்கொள்ள தன்னம்பிக்கையோடு ஓரம் கட்டினேன், ஆனால் இயக்கத்தை நிறுத்தவில்லை. ஒரு நிமிடத்திற்குள் முடித்துக்கொள்ளலாம் என்ற நம்பிக்கை. நேரமும் குறைவு. மறுநாள் பொங்க வைக்கணும்.

காவலர்: என்ன தம்பி, மொபைலா? ஓட்டும் போதேவா?

ஓட்டுனர்: இல்ல சார், காது அரித்தது. Happy Pongal!

காவலர்: என்ன சொன்னீங்க?

ஓட்டுனர்: காது அரித்தது, சொறிந்தேன். என்னிடம் hands-free இல்லை.என் காதில் hands-free மாட்டவும் முடியாது. பிடித்துக்கொள்ள காதில் சரியான எலும்பு இல்லை. அப்படியே கால் வந்தாலும் வண்டியை நிறுத்தி விட்டு தான் எடுப்பேன்.

காவலர்: என்ன? போலீஸ் கிட்ட தான் காது அரிக்குமா?

ஓட்டுனர்: காதுக்கு எப்படி சார் இடம், பொருள், ஏவல் தெரியும்! அது போக அரிக்கும் போது  தானே சொறிஞ்சிக்க முடியும். எந்த இடமானாலும் யார் முன்னாடி இருந்தாலும்.

காவலர்: சரி சரி கிளம்புங்க.

ஓட்டுனர்: ஓகே சார்... Happy Pongal!

காவலர்: Happy பொங்கல்!

ஓட்டுனர்: தமிழனுக்கு தமிழன் இனிய பொங்கல் நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்னு  சொல்லணும் சார்.

காவலர்: (லேசாக சிரிப்பையும் முறைப்பையும் கலந்த பார்வையுடன்) பொங்கல் நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள். கிளம்புங்க!

காத்திருந்த வண்டியை முறுக்கியதும் சீறிற்று...

சில எண்ணங்கள் மனதில் ஓடின. அவை இதோ உங்கள் பார்வைக்கு:

(1) ஓட்டும் பொது தயவு செய்து கைபேசியில் பேசாதீர்கள்; hands-free உபயோகிக்காதீர்கள். ஓரிரு வினாடிகளில் வண்டியை ஓரம் கட்டிவிட்டு பேசுங்கள். எந்த அழைப்பு மணியும்  நம் உயிரை விட முக்கியமானதல்ல. யாருக்கு தெரியும்! மறுபக்கத்திலிருந்து அழைப்பது எமனாக கூட இருக்கலாம்!

(2) ஒரு சிலர் செய்யும் தப்புகளால் காவலர்கள் எல்லோரையும் குற்றவாளிகளை போல் சந்தேகப்படுகின்றனர்.

(3) "திருடனாய் பார்த்து திருந்தா விட்டால் திருட்டை ஒழிக்க முடியாது" என்பது போல், மக்களாய் பார்த்து மாறா விட்டால் காவலர் என்ன செய்ய முடியும்?

(4) மக்கள் காவலர் எண்ணிக்கை சமன்பாடில்லை (ratio). இதனால் காவலர்கள் எத்தனை பேரை தான் திருத்த முடியும்? பாவம் அவர்கள்.

(5) சும்மா "சமூகம் சரியில்லை", "நாடு திருந்தாது", என்று புலம்புவதை விட்டுவிட்டு ஒவ்வொருவரும் தனி மனித ஒழுக்கத்தை மீறாமல் நடந்தாலே நாடு செழிக்கும்.

© 2010 - Copyright reserved - Raj 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Enter Gudiyam Caves... Found the Cavemen!

Get outta Town!*

Chennai is a concrete jungle! People here have monotonously robotic lives. Deadline has become the lifestyle. Citizens from different corners ensure keeping themselves busy. Everyone enjoys working against the clock! Stress levels are on the rise at an alarming rate! Thinking of future, everyone forgets nature. Those who think of nature do not have the time to stop and admire. Sounds familiar, isn't it?

These are just myths spreading spuriously like cancerous cells. Like many big cities around the world, Chennai too has beautiful patches of lush green jungle amidst and around these towering corporates. A little patience and perseverance will soothe the mind, body and soul.

Adventure to the Caves

One such place is just about 2 hours away from Chennai. At 12 kilometers away from Poondi reservoir lies the serene beauty of this location that has caves and is called as Gudiyam caves (to be read as goodiyam caves - கூடியம் குகைகள்). This is a tiny hamlet which can be easily reachable via road.

Poondi is a small village near Tiruvallur, is situated at a distance about 60 km in north of Chennai. Frequent buses are available from Chennai and Tiruvallur to reach this place.

The auspicious date, December 12, 2009, was chosen for a trip to venture to Gudiyam caves. I still doubt that whether the date was auspicious enough, as there were these TV channels and online news websites howling on top of their throats forecasting thunderstorms. The met department knew little that that day is going to be picked for heart-filling trekking experience.

Trekking is Teamwork

Samudiram (Sam, his nick being Creative Sam) started to browse through the websites to find a good location to trek. Jagadeesh (Jag) joined Sam in finding out the location. Actually, what he was doing unwittingly was to throw in more options eventually causing more confusions. They pulled me (Raj) in. A wildlife enthusiast by nature, never ventured in trekking sprees. These three caballeros squeezed ideas from their brains, using whatever their IT workload left as gray matter in their cranial casings. Finally, the location was fixed as Gudiyam caves.

It needs five fingers to complete a forelimb. Likewise, it requires five friends to ensure the completeness in the fun trip. Suresh and Thiagarajan (Thiagu) joined their hands to complete the finger count.

Logos, Pathos and Ethos

These three golden words were uttered by the great Plato himself. He told the trio to be a guide for writing and speeches. I would add that these are essential even for trips, especially out of your city, out of your comfort zone.

Logos: The Latin word for Logic. Logistics was derived from this word. The logistics was decided. Sam's car will be our chariot that will suffice to reach and return. The glucose packets, water bottles, biscuit packets, thirst-quenching sweet orange candies were packed and we were all set to go. We also ensured out wit-machinery is intact and will be thoroughly functional throughout the trip.

The route to the place was not known to even one of the 5 great fellas. Google maps showed only dark green patches all over the area we were interested in. It dawned on us that there were no proper maps available. However the advantage is that who needs a map in India, when there are kind people everywhere to help you around! The only source of information was a blog in 2004 narrating the experiences of our forerunners having ventured into this very same spot. They have even clearly mentioned the hamlets one has to pass through to reach that place; or so we thought!

Pathos: Emotions. Everyone loved nature and the wilderness and were looking forward to some nice interactive walking experience with nature.
Ethos: Ethics of travel. Everyone to assemble by 4:45 am to Koyambedu bus terminus by their own travel means. Each one carries their bags, equipment and their wisdom leaving back their egos safe and secure locked in their closets. Time of departure was fixed at 5 am on Koyambedu.

We were so spoilt by the clockwork robot-like routine that we needed a deadline to return. The estimated time of return was 11 am.

Gliding to Gudiyam!

The plan was up. Everything seemed to be perfect. Thus came the day, 12-Dec-09. Everyone assembled at Koyambedu bus stand by 5 am. The bikes and car were parked and Sam's car, filled with trekking enthusiasts, roared its engine glided off by 5:05 am.

On a cloudy day with the cold breeze on our faces, we set off through Avadi towards Tiruvallur. After crossing Avadi, close to Pattabiram, we parked the car near a tea shop and parked the tea, coffee and light beverages inside our empty guts. To complete our inventory, some biscuit packets were bought along with couple of bottles of water. Nature's calls were also answered by watering the plants beside the highway with liquid fertilisers.

Just as sleeping baby, the sun wiped its sleepy eyes and started to throw rays of light at all directions.

Pitstop (Gut-stop!)

The next place where we stopped was "Akshaya Bhavan" a highway motel in Tiruvallur. It's available at the left side of the road (NH 205). The place is well maintained and they also start off early perhaps to cater to the needs of the adventurists and travelers alike. The place is well maintained and the food is also good to eat. There is a play area for the kids with swings and slides. Nice pitstop for one and all.

We filled ourselves with Idlies and Vadas immersed with chutneys and sambar. The items were topped with coffee and tea. However, we made sure not to be too full as we were looking forward for the trek.

Poondi Reservoir and Furthermore

By taking the right turn after Akshaya Bhavan, the road led us straight to Poondi reservoir. Without taking any diversions, but a few turns and sharp bends, the well-laid road leads straight into the reservoir. We drove through the reservoir slowly enjoying the gentle breeze and the bird-life around the water body. Early morning visuals are eternal.

The road leads to the bridge which is built on the top of the floodgates. To reach Gudiyum, we crossed the bridge and drove straight to where the road led us. After a few minutes of drive (probably after a kilometre or two), we were queried by a crossroad. To follow the right path, take right into the road leading to Nambakkam. The snaking roads lead to Nambakkam. Make sure not to take diversions and stick to the tar road, whcih is wide enough to allow two maxi cabs at the same time (one maxi cab should wheel some mud on one side for sure!)

Shootout in Nambakkam

The road leading to Nambakkam and Goonipalayam were collared by large green fields filled with bird-life in the farmlands and on the electric cables. Now that our stomachs were filled, we readied ourselves to fill the stomachs of our cameras with the snaps. We halted the car, ventured into the fields, ensuring not to stomp on the grains and plants to satisfy our photographical hunger.

Birdlife in these areas included drongos, little hawks, bulbuls, sparrows, crows (the crows in these areas are fat and strong!), crow pheasant, terns, mynahs, cranes, egrets, storks (painted and open bills), herons, little cormorants, paradise flycatchers and a few beeeaters. Also we bumped into a few cobwebs holding the mist like a mother holds her child. There were a few frogs hopping around cursing our presence. There were spiders and grasshoppers to fulfil the macro-life. Not to forget the amount of beautiful butterflies fluttering by. We also noticed a water beetle and few waterstriders rowing in the irrigated stagnant water around the crops. After some photographic moments, we decided to go to the location of our prime interest.

Pondering the Pattis (பட்டிகளைச்சுற்றிப்பார்தோம்)

After Nambakkam, our trustworthy(!) route-guide mentioned about Nambakkam; Gooni Palayam (கூனி பாளையம்); Seettancheri; Right Diversion (Gudiyam). Following this map we took many right turns (not quite right!) and ventured to Gooni Palayam, Seettancheri and even crossed Seettancheri. We were constanly inquiring the locals as much as we could and kept moving forward.

Then came the shock when we stumbled upon on a crossroad with the direction pointers. We were taken aback to read the directions which were like this: Take left to reach Oothukkottai (ஊத்துக்கோட்டை) and take right to reach Thiruvallur (the place where we started the adventure). One was quick to comment "Guys, now that we've seen all pattis, let's go back to our pattinam (city)!".

Gudiyum Village, Here we come!

Then we decided to track back our footprints (rather tire-prints). Then we stopped wherever we saw diversions, first near Seettancheri, but no result. Then we went back till Gooni Palayam and took the turn which we did not take earlier. There a excessively friendly locals guided us the right path. We realised that we had out-ventured at least a dozen kilometers more.

The right route is as follows:
1. Reach the Poondi Reservoir bridge.
2. Take the straight road till the signboard showing the right arrow to Nambakkam.
3. Take the road leading to the right hand side and take the road to Nambakkam.
4. Cross Nambakkam and continue journey till Gooni Palayam is reached.
5. The roads split into two ways exactly after 10 km journey from the Poondi bridge. The path on the right is not the right way and is best to be left out. The path on the left is the right path to be taken.
6. Take left turn and drive about 2 kilometers in the weather beaten tar road.
7. After 2 kilometers of almost bumpy journey, on to the right side of the road, there will be a huge notice board (about 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide), which has a torn flex paper. The other side of the signboard is still intact and has the route to Gudium Caves.
8. Once you see the signboard, take right turn on the pebble filled road. Sam was thoughtful to shift the gear to second gear and took off his foot off all the pedals.
9. About one kilometer of really bumpy journey and then we reached the Gudiyum village.

Boy Escorts! Lead the Way!

On reaching the location we met two local boys, who were shy were reluctant to guide us to the caves. With little persuasion from their kind mother, they agreed to guide us to the caves. Madhan the elder brother studying 9th standard (in a school that is 5 km away from Gudiyum) accompanied with Madhu the younger one studying 8th standard joined us as guides. We ordered for nice village lunch in their home, as we knew that the 10-odd km trek would fire up our gluttonous hunger; and who would say no to a tasty village meal, which is kind of rarity for city-dwellers.

Thus started the 5 km long trek.  It is a lonesome place belonging to the forest department. Therefore it is advisable to bring along the necessary provisions.

The provisions should be packed keeping in mind that the venturing area is remote and help will not arrive soon and therefore must include:

1) Enough water bottles (there is no water source in the area and the only pool
available also is not potable),
2) Glucose packets (to cater to the dipping energy) would be required especially on a hot day,
3) Chocolates and candies to quench the thirst while walking and reduce drinking stops,
4) Biscuits and choco-bars, which can be eaten leisurely while resting in the caves and on the rocks,
5) First-aid kit containing little amount of cotton, Dettol, ache balms (especially for the muscular sprains), pain relieving spray, bandaids and a pair of scissors.

Peeking into the Past

There are many large pebbles bearing white arrows indicating the path to the caves. However, one has to have a sharp eye to capture them.

On the way, we observed many stones used by the paleolithic people. One is able to view the different sharp stones and pebbles which were used as tools by our forebearers long time ago.

We were shown a bunch of long leaved grass which smelled awesome when rubbed between our palms. The smell stayed with us for very long. For the noses stung badly by the artificial perfumeries, this was an excellent way to unwind. There are eucalyptus trees in both banks of the path. Since we could not afford a botanist, could not pick the nomenclature of the flora that we observed there. And who needs the names to admire the beauty of the trees.

There was a place where a tiny pathway led underground (as shown in the picture above). Madhu told that it is another cave but can be accessed only on crouching, crawling and slithering through. He also mentioned that sadhus and swamiyars who were living here used to venture into these crevices and do meditation.  Not wanting to explore into the caves and not wanting to become a sanyasi, we took a few snaps of the cave's mouth and moved on. Word of Caution: Never venture into these caves because there could be snakes, bats, poisonous insects and poisonous gases in the cave.

First Cave

After crossing almost 4 km, shooting the wildlife (flora and fauna - insects like caterpillars, millipedes, butterflies, dragonflies and the colourful beetles; birds and a few humans - us), and teasing each other displaying our wit and possible wisdom, we landed near a thicket with enough room to allow one fat person to move through freely. We saw to our right having hill formations that looked like the lateral view of an elephant (check out the first photo in this blog).

After drinking in the beauty of the natural elephant rock formations, we moved into the thicket wondering what kind of wild creatures we may trod upon, we reached the first cave. What an awesome sight!

The place is full invisible air - clean, fresh, unpolluted (reminded me of what the Admiral of the nuclear submarine said in the movie 'Crimson Tide'!). One can feel the air filling the lungs (just as we can feel the first drink of hot water entering our guts early in chilly mornings). The pure air does not just fill the lungs, but fill the hearts with peace at ease. It also lifts the spirits and generates positive energy. I know nothing about vaasthu and feng shui, except their names, but I realised that the best direction is always the one pointing towards raw virgin nature untouched or rarely touched by man. Untouchability is a sin, crime and what not; but I advise untouchability towards nature as man's touch has always proven disastrous for the natures intricate balance.

There are many beehives in the rock creeks and crevices. There are both active brown hives buzzing with bees and abandoned white colour hives. The floor was littered with a few white abandoned hives which was still bearing the sweet smell of honey.

Remember to be quiet and speak in low voice. Need not whisper, but voice should be as low as possible in order not to disturb the bee colonies. If stung, proper medical aid is available only beyond many kilometers walk and a few kilometers drive.

We wondered that who would reside with these bees in the caves. Pat came the answer. The screeching of the parakeets made our heads turn and there were parakeet colony and we also noted a few babblers, mynahs and drongoes in the vicinity. This showed the altruistic behaviour between animals.

The ceiling of the caves are littered with the broken mud nests of wasps and hornets. Most of the nests are abandoned, maybe because it is not the nesting season for them.

The cave had an Amman statue with the trident, along with lots of baked-mud horse dolls. It also had a bell for ringing. As educated by our boy escorts, this is their place of worship for the locals. We wondered how the ceremonies could happen peacefully in the presence of the bees!

Jag, Sam, Suresh and Thiagu invested some time shooting in and around the cave. I climbed the boulders in the cave with Madhu and sat down and meditated for a while consuming the real wild beauty as much as possible. Also posed for a few snaps (it is good not to have a camera as you can be in front of the lens and not behind it). Check out one snap on the left where I try to fly like a bird under the ceiling filled with hornet and wasp nests.

Second Cave

After spending some time in the first cave, we moved on to the next cave. The second cave is there after we retraced our footsteps almost half way back to Gudium village. This cave is one nice challenge for heavily built people, as it was little steep, but the stones in the path had stones which looked like steps. Could be the efforts of our paleolithic cavemen.

This cave is safe void of the beehives. However, we found a few tiny frogs and toads as well as snake's peeled skin. It should be a water snake, probably one of the keelbacks. So, it is evident that the area has snakes. There is a tiny pond in the top of the cave indicating more proofs for the presence of a water-based ecosystem.

After having snacks (biscuits, chips, moongi dhal and glucose) inside the cave, we ventured to climb on top of the cave and got down on the other side. The view from top of the cave's mouth was awesome and describing the feeling in words would be demeaning the experience.

View from top of the second cave. Note the rock formation similar to elephant heads.

Thus we enjoyed the gloomy day in and on the caves and walked back teasing each other with the little amount of energy left in each of us. All through the trip, we ensured not to leave any trails of our travel. Also  made sure not to leave back any litter right from polythene papers, wafers or even the biscuit covers or water bottles.

Lunch and Back to Pavilion

As we were reaching the hut, the met department's words came true and clouds opened their arms to release a light drizzle. We entered Madhu/Madhan's huts jogging and readied ourselves looking forward to a splendid meal. The food was really good and we gobbled it after a very good nature trek. Somebody commented 'Any food is very good for a tired tummy'. Jokes apart, the food was spicy and good and we relished it.

We exchanged pleasantries and left the place with hearts full of joy and minds full of high morale discussing the day and the next trekking plan. On the way back to Chennai, we halted in Poondi reservoir, enjoyed the cool breeze that swept along. In the car, we started to admire the souvenirs from the caves trip - the photos.

We reached by 3:30 pm (refer the expected time of arrival earlier in this post) and parted our ways to our respective homes. That night we slept so well dreaming to be like the paleolithic cavemen.

Note: 'Get outta Town' in American slang means No Kidding! It indirectly means that all fun lies outside the town or city.

Photo Credits: Jag and Sam
© 2009 - Copyright reserved - Raj